Tuesday, August 12, 2008

"Against insurmountable obstacles and without a clue as to the outcome, the trusting heart says, 'Abba, I surrender my will and my life to you without any reservation and with boundless confidence, for you are my loving Father.'" (Ruthless Trust)

I guess that's pretty much where I'm at. Honestly, I don't think God gave me much choice but to trust Him. And the surrendering thing - I'm still working on that.

So this is my first post. Just the beginning.


S said...

Looking forward Eness

Sue V.

Paul said...

what a "REAL" statement Eness....

funny how the pipe dreams we built our lives on, in college, tended to show a harsh side when reality set in huh???

In spite of all of that, He who began a good work in you, will complete it...

not maybe quick enough to suit me! but still!!

welcome to the blogging world...

It's cheaper than therapy!

Tyson Aschliman said...

I'm on board, friend. And yes... I've often been tempted to respond to "complements and encouraging words" about my "strength" and faith with the simple and rhetorical question:

"But really... what choice do I have?"

The choice isn't ours. It's His. I guess we DO have a choice, now that I think about it: jump off the train barreling along at break-neck speeds, to our certain demise, or hold on for dear life.

Glad to have an insider's view into the ride you're on. Thanks for sharing in mine.

Just hang on! (And try to enjoy the view.)