Friday, January 30, 2009

God must love Boomer, too

The title is a giveaway, I know but here's the whole story...

On Wednesday we had a snow day - yay!! The kids were in and out, in and out and on one of the "outs" the door didn't get closed completely and Boomer (our dog, for those of you who have never met him) took that as an invitation to join the fun. Be the very social individual he is, Boomer saw our neighbours and immediately headed over to greet them and then he saw Lily - their dog, and all hell broke loose. The kids went screaming after him; Lily plopped down in the snow and braced for impact; Jim (my neighbour) was trying to get Lily's neck out of Boomer's mouth...utter chaos.

Now a little background: this is not Boomer's first offense. We have had to pay for other dogs to have stitches, have received visits from police officers and have taken Boomer to training classes. He is a problem. But we love him.

After Wednesday's disaster (thankfully Lily was ok) the kids and I had a few discussions about what to do next and sort of concluded that our only option might be to give him away. I cannot afford to be sued by someone because Boomer cannot control himself :) I talked to our vet and she recommended 'doggie daycare'; did you know that the Invisible Fence people do pet training? I set up an appointment and took Boomer in this morning.

After pooping on the floor three - yes THREE times - the trainer tried a few things with him. She thinks he can be trained but it would take at least two weeks of Canine Camp - $750 for two weeks. I could feel the hope draining out of me. There is no way that I can afford that and I told her so. But I left him there for the day so she could do some further evaluations and headed off to work thinking that we would probably have to try and find someone to take him. Ugh.

As I was leaving, I ran into a friend who I haven't seen in a couple of years. Linda dropping off her dog and asked me about Boomer and she told me that the trainer, Julie, had done amazing things with her dog (I remember Bruno; he's just a little fluff ball but he's a biter). We talked for a few more minutes and promised each other we'd get together soon.

Half an hour later I got a text from Linda: Boomer has been signed up for camp for two weeks.

Now, some people might think that's all a big coincidence. But I know better. God cares about everything in my life, even the crazy dog. It was not a random thing that I saw Linda today. And I am overwhelmed and humbled by a God who loves me, my kids, even Boomer that much. If He is taking care of this, how can I doubt that He's orchestrating everything in my life?

I am singing with Chris Tomlin... "how great is our God...."


carolyn said...

I tell my kids over and over again that God cares about every detail. Oh, and then i have to remind myself, too. :)

Carol said...

Great blog! I LOVE that God cares about every detail of our lives. It's very comforting!

Unknown said...

Great reminder!